Page of Swords
Upright Meaning Guide
Page of Swords Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Delayed news, patience needed, ideas, inspiration, planning, vigilance, protective, guarded, fairness, think before you speak, don’t get drawn into arguments, mental agility, using your head, inquisitive, curious, quick-witted, chatty, communicative, education, petty gossip, being truthful/ direct, speaking out, fighting injustice
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
In a general context, the Page of Swords represents delayed news, ideas, planning and inspiration. It can also signify being protective, guarded and vigilant. This Minor Arcana card may be telling you to be patient, to think before you speak and not to get drawn in unnecessary arguments or conflicts. It can also represent fairness, speaking out and fighting injustice. The Page of Swords can indicate mental agility, learning or getting an education, being quick-witted, curious and inquisitive and using your head. This card can signify being chatty, communicative, truthful and direct. However, it can also signify being blunt or abrasive or engaging in petty gossip. As a person, the Page of Swords represents a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is chatty, lively, quick thinking, analytical, logical and cool and possesses a sharp mind. This person abhors injustice and is a deep thinker but at the same time can come across as blunt, insensitive or a bit of a loner sometimes. In the negative, they can also be a bit of a gossip or deceitful but they do not intentionally cause harm. They like to stick to the rules and may be an air sign such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship the Page of Swords can indicate that there may be some conflict in your relationship as you allow yourself to be drawn into unnecessary or petty arguments with your partner. By all means fight your corner over the important things, but don’t allow every tiny disagreement to spiral in to a full blown argument. If you are waiting on news or a development in your relationship, this card can tell you that it will be delayed or will take a bit longer than you think. Be patient! If you are single, the Page of Swords may be telling you that you need to make more of an effort to socialise if you want to meet someone. If you have been hoping for a relationship, this card can tell you that it will take longer than you think and you need to be patient.
Money & Career (Upright)
In a career Tarot reading, the Page of Swords indicates that you are highly intelligent and ambitious and are full of innovative, bright ideas. You may be dreaming of an incredibly successful career when it appears. Just bear in mind you need to be able to put thought into action in order to succeed. This card can suggest that you may need to further your education in order to reach the lofty heights you have envisaged for yourself. This Minor Arcana card can also indicate that if you have waiting for news of a job interview, the news is likely to be positive but it will be delayed so it may take longer to get the answer you hoped for. In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Swords indicates that news you have been waiting for in terms of finances may be delayed. This Minor Arcana card also suggests that you have lots of bright ideas for making money but it tells you not to be a know-it-all when it comes to your finances. You would do well to take on board some sound financial advice when it’s offered. You may need advice from someone older or wiser in order to make your ideas a reality.
Health (Upright)
In a health Tarot spread, the Page of Swords indicates that you have an opportunity to heal from any past illness or injuries as it brings you the mental clarity to overcome any challenges you face. Be careful not to overdo it though! Ease yourself back into things.
Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, the Page of Swords indicates that you may have been neglecting your spiritual side in favour of the more logical side of life. There is a place for logic and reason in your life but your spiritual side needs a place too.
Reversed Meaning Guide
Page of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Bad/disappointing news, lack of ideas/planning, defensive, player, mind games, paranoid, lack of mental agility, having your head in the clouds, scatterbrain, dim-witted, nothing to say, cold, sarcastic, cynical, malicious gossip, being blunt/ abrasive, not speaking out, delinquent, lack of education/ learning difficulties
General meaning and interpretation (Reversed)
In a general context, the Page of Swords reversed can represent bad or disappointing news and lack of ideas, planning or inspiration. It can also signify being defensive, cold, vindictive, cynical or sarcastic. This Minor Arcana card reversed may be telling you to get your head out of the clouds and can represent acting in a scatter-brained or dim-witted manner. It can also represent a lack of fairness, not speaking out against injustice, breaking the law or being a delinquent. The Page of Swords reversed can suggest that you may have nothing to say or may be lacking in communication skills. It can be a warning to you about the way you communicate with people in your life. You may think you are being truthful and direct but you could be coming across as blunt and abrasive. It can also indicate a lack of education, lack of mental agility or learning difficulties. The Page of Swords reversed can also signify being a game player, playing mind games, malicious gossip and paranoia. As a person, the Page of Swords reversed represents a young person who is keeping information to themselves. They are still analytical and logical with a sharp mind. However, they may use their wit for malicious or vindictive purposes. They can be manipulative, cynical and sarcastic and may consider themselves superior to others and that the rules don’t apply to them. They may spread malicious rumours or gossip to intentionally cause trouble.
Love & Relationships (Reversed)
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship the Page of Swords reversed can indicate that your partner may be playing mind games, be cold or uncaring in their treatment of you or bringing emotional baggage from a previous relationship into your relationship which is causing conflict or making them paranoid. Do not allow your partner to punish you for the treatment they received from a past partner. If you are waiting on news or a development in your relationship, this card can tell you that you may be disappointed with the outcome. If you are single, the Page of Swords reversed can indicate that you may become interested in someone who is a game player and will expect you to compete to be with them possibly against another lover. If you have been hoping for a relationship, this card can tell you that you may be disappointed with the outcome.
Money & Career (Reversed)
In a career Tarot reading, the Page of Swords reversed can indicate that you cannot make your mind up when it comes to career. You may find yourself jumping from industry to industry or project to project unable to decide on the right career path for you. You can have all the ideas, ambitions and opportunities in the world but if you don’t seize them or act on them you will not get anywhere. You need to balance your ideas and dreams with taking some action and putting some work in. This Minor Arcana card reversed can also indicate that if you have waiting for news of a job interview, it will now come to you but it may not be the outcome you hoped for. In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Swords reversed suggests that you may get news you have been waiting for in terms of finances but it will not be the news you were hoping for. If you have been waiting for decision on a loan or mortgage or news about a pay rise you requested, it’s likely to be a negative with this card appearing in your Tarot spread.
Health (Reversed)
In a health Tarot spread, the Page of Swords reversed that you may be suffering with mental health issues or may be feeling mentally scattered, foggy or confused. You are trying to do too much at once. You need to slow down and give yourself time!
Spirituality (Reversed)
In a spiritual context, the Page of Swords reversed warns you to beware of those who may use their sharp wit to manipulate you. They make appear in the form of spiritual leaders to act as though they know everything. Take what works for you and throw the rest away. Don’t put all your faith in one person to guide you on your spiritual path, the knowledge you seek is inside you!